Monday, January 7, 2008

Meatless Monday

To be able to work for our daily bread and afterwards to enjoy the fruits of our labors is a blessing.

Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 informs us: "Surely I have seen what is good and excellent for a man: to eat and to drink and to see that which is good in all his wearisome labor in which he toils under the sun for the few days of life which God has given to him, for this is his lot. Moreover, every man to whom God has given riches and empowers him to eat from them and to accept his lot and to rejoice in his labor, this is a gift of God."

Celebrate the beginning of the work week with a simple life affirming meal designed to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer -- - four of the leading causes of death in America. Be a part of the national health campaign called "Meatless Monday".

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